Pale Ale Malt by Briess Malting 1 lb beer brewing grains (3.5L)

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Rich malty flavor, Hint of biscuity notes, Finishes exceptionally clean. Use as a rich malty Brewers Malt. A fully modified, high extract, low protein malt, Briess Pale Ale is not just a darker Brewers Malt. The propietary malting process for Briess Pale Ale Malt involves careful monitoring of the kiln drying process and specialized temperature rests that result in the development of its unique flagor. Sufficient enzyme level to support the inclusion of even the most demanding specialty malts without extending the brewing cycle.
Rich malty flavor, Hint of biscuity notes, Finishes exceptionally clean. Use as a rich malty Brewers Malt. A fully modified, high extract, low protein malt, Briess Pale Ale is not just a darker Brewers Malt. The propietary malting process for Briess