Hop Substitution And Characteristics

What happens when you can’t find a specific hop? Well, simply replace that hard to find hop with one from this chart.

Amarillo Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe Citrusy, flowery
Brewers Gold Chinook, Galena, Nugget Bittering hop with neutral aroma character
Cascade Amarillo, Centennial Pleasant, flowery, spicy, and citrusy. Can have a grapefruit flavor
Centennial Cascade, Chinook, Columbus Medium with floral and citrus tones
Challenger Norhtern Brewer Mild to moderate, quite spicy
Chinook Columbus, Northern Brewer, Nugget Mild to medium-heavy, spicy, piney, and grapefruity
Citra Simcoe, Mosaic, Centennial, Cascade  
Cluster Galena Medium and quite spicy
Columbia Fuggle  
Columbus Chinook, Galena, Millennium, Nugget Pleasant, with pungent aroma
Comet Galena, Summit  
Crystal Hallertau, Liberty, Mt. Hood Mild and pleasant, spicy and flowery
East Kent Goldings Golding, Progress Mild, extremely pleasant, and gently hoppy
Ekuanot (formerly Equinox) Citra, Galaxy  
El Dorado Simcoe, Galena, Citra  
Falconer’s Flight Citra, Simcoe, Amarillo, Summit, Cascade  
Fuggle Willamette Mild, pleasant, hoppy, and robust
Galaxy Citra, Simcoe, Amarillo  
Galena Brewers Gold, Columbus, Nugget Medium but pleasant hoppiness, citrusy
Glacier Fuggle, Willamette  
Golding Fuggle, Willamette, East Kent Goldings Gentle, fragrant, and pleasant
Hallertau Liberty, Mt. Hood, Hallertau Mittelfruh, Magnum, Taurus, Tradition Very mild, pleasant, and slightly flowery, some spicy
Hallertau Mittelfruh Liberty, Tradition Mild and pleasant
Liberty Hallertau, Mt. Hood, Tradition Mild and clean aroma, slightly spicy character
Magnum Columbus, Horizon, Nugget Known for bittering value and quality
Mosaic Citra, Simcoe  
Mt. Hood Hallertau Mittelfruh Mild, pleasant, and clean, somewhat pungent and resiny
Northern Brewer Chinook, Galena, Magnum Medium-strong with some wild tones
Nugget Columbus, Galena, Magnum Quite heavy and herbal
Palisade Willamette  
Saaz Tettnang Very mild with pleasant hoppy notes, earthy, spicy, and herbal
Simcoe Magnum, Summit A bittering and aromatic hop
Summit Columbus, Millennium, Simcoe, Amarillo, Cascade  
Talus Sabro, Cluster, Palisade  
Taurus Citra, Magnum, Tradition  
Tettnang Fuggle, Saaz Mild and pleasant, slightly spicy, herbal
Tradition Liberty, Hallertau Mittelfruh Very fine and similar to Hallertauer Mittelfruh
Willamette Fuggle, Glacier, Tettnang Mild and pleasant, slightly spicy, fruity, floral, a little earthy